Required Documents

Hr-intnpl > Required Documents

Recruiting a skilled and qualified workforce is crucial for businesses and industries in countries like Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. These countries often seek to source talent from Nepal to meet their manpower requirements. To facilitate the recruitment process, certain essential documents are required. These documents include a demand letter, power of attorney, employment contract, guarantee letter, agency agreement, manpower mobilization agreement, and necessary letters from embassies or consulates. Additionally, specific countries may have additional requirements such as visa slips, consulate authorizations, commercial registrations, KDN approval, translation letters, and notary public verification. These documents play a vital role in establishing legal and formal agreements between employers and the recruited workforce, ensuring compliance with regulations and protecting the rights of both parties.

man power requirements documents

Required document form Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman & UAE to recruit the Human Work- force from Nepal

  • Demand Letter
  • Power of Attorney
  • Employment Contract
  • Guarantee Letter
  • Agency agreement
  • Manpower Mobilization Agreement
  • Nepal Embassy Letter by Employer

Required document form Saudi Arabia to recruit Human Work- Force from Nepal

  • Visa Slip
  • Consulate Authorization
  • Demand Letter
  • Power of attorney
  • Commercial Registration
  • Employment Contract

Required document form Malaysia to recruit Human Work- Force from Nepal

  • KDN approval (from Labour Ministry)
  • Translation letter (from Labour Ministry or Home Ministry)
  • Demand Letter
  • Power of Attorney
  • Agency Agreement
  • Employment Contract
  • Letter written by employer company to Malaysian Consulate in Nepal
  • Letter from Nepal Embassy to Labour Department Nepal
  • Notary Public
  • ID copy of authorized person of Employer Company